Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yea!!!!!! I’m A Featured Artist… Soooo much fun!!!!!!!
Current mood:  ecstatic
Category: Music
Yahooooooo………. REVERBNATION made me a FEATURED ARTIST on their homepage!!!!! They pick 10 artists a week, and rotate 3 every 3-4 minutes……. How cool is that!!!! I am hanging with Alison Krauss …. She is a featured artist as well! They are the greatest people who own that company…. and they give you the most incredible widgets to pass around. If you are an artist, go to my myspace page, and to the left you will see one of their mailing list widgets. If you push on it…. you can go to the reverbnation site, and start getting your own widgets!!!!!!!

Last night when I was sad, I wrote a blog about starting down a new alternate route today ………. Then I made a bunch of lemonade with the lemons of my life….. and I drank it all morning! Then I got the letter from my friend at REVERBNATION, telling me they made me a featured artist!!!!!! I hope this is a good sign of things to come!!!!!!!!!!!!! They say when you close a door… a new one opens!!! I am sooooo Thankful to Big Daddy Angel… You know who you are!!!!!!!(smile) Also, if you read my blog…… I found a WHOLE bunch of info on the net about Alternate tunings!!!!!!!! Did you know there is a tuning called the SPIRIT, another one called The MAGIC FARMER and the one that cracks me up is called the BUZZARD!!!!! The BUZZARD is CFCGAF………. I hope you have a super rest of the week….. and if you are an artist…. I hope you discover reverbnation today…… and have fun using their widgets!!!!!!

Love Ya,

The Lexers!!!!!!!!

Currently listening:
She Talks to Angels
By The Black Crowes
Release date: 1992-06-10