Tryin To Make Jimi Hendrix Proud

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Tryin To Make Jimi Hendrix Proud!!!!
Current mood:  adventurous
Isn’t it weird how a circumstance can change your life forever? And WHEN the circumstance is occurring…… you don’t even realize it! My life was changed forever during the last few months because of several things, and I had know clue that it was happening!!!!! First it started with a message on myspace from this man… He ended up becoming one of my teachers…. and a dear friend!

Most of the things that make me feel good are bad for me…… so I try not to do them……. But music is the one thing that feels better than almost ANYTHING… So I can REALLY enjoy it!!!! I feel so guilty that I am doing something, that is not giving me a reason to feel guilty….. The chords I’ve been learning are better than 100 creme brulee’s or 500 chocolate lava cakes. I just can’t explain it!!!!! I hope there is not some hidden badness that I just don’t know about, because that would be an unbearable disappointment!

Each week….I sit in this room decorated like the 60’s, with all these famous guitar greats on posters on the wall…. and I think how much fun I am having! Then I learn a new chord and it leads to another… and then before I know it …..the E7sharp9 becomes magic… and I almost forget to breath….. These blues chords, and jazz chords he’s teaching me aren’t in my books……. and they make you find a rhythm you didn’t know existed!!!!!!!!! I hope I can make Mr. Hendrix spirit proud!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wrote my new favorite song yesterday, and it uses 10 chords…….. I used to be a 3 chorder…. 4 if I was lucky! But not anymore!!!!!! How cool is that. Then as I find this new music, I’m finding this voice that sounds like me, but has so many more colors in it! My life really has been changed forever!!!!!!!!

The second thing that happened during the last several months was…… that I fell in love with a man named Taylor!!!!!!!! My guitar broke…… and I had to get a new one! He is so beautiful…… I never knew I could love an object this much!!!!!!! The way that Taylor sounds when I play my new chords, REALLY is an explosion of goodness! I actually pick that guitar up first thing, every morning when I wake up, just so I can hear him sing…. Even if for only a minute!

Last night I spent the evening under the stars, at a benefit concert for John Jarrard in Gainesville, GA! It was an incredible evening with wonderful music, supporting a very special man! As the main acts got up to play…… I heard this voice start singing…… It was the voice of Randall Bramblett!!!!!!!!! Man was it a treat to hear and watch him! The best part about listening to him, other than his amazing voice, was that I heard some of the chords I’ve been learning!!!!!!! I was tickled pink!!!!!! To think that I could hear the depth of color and pinpoint it was just enough to make me go crazy with excitement!!!!!

As I sit hear listening to the rain dance on my roof……… I just want to tell the world how thankful I am right now for the Jazz and Blues!!!!!!!!!! Especially for the ability to play a Hendrix E7sharp9…………. Thanks for visiting with me!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my Gosh….. There is a big OWL outside my window RIGHT this SECOND… For REAL….. It is beautiful…… I can’t believe it!!!!! Maybe it is an OMEN that I’m going to get even more wisdom and insight with these chord structures!!!!!! Who knows, but I got to go and get my camera!!!!!

Oh….. also…. would love it if you came to hear me at Eddies on Friday night! I go on at 8:00

Love Ya,


Currently listening:
Now It’s Tomorrow
By Randall Bramblett
Release date: 2008-08-19