Tomorrow and The Game

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tomorrow and the game….
Current mood:  jolly
I heard this great saying……  You can love the players, but not the game!!!!!!!!  I never have been good at games…  I never even realized there was a game going on,  until someone told me……  but I’m finally starting to see the game,  and I’ve decided, it’s better if you just ignore it……. and focus on lovin the players!!!!!!!!!  In music this is a real easy thing to do, because there’s all these guitar players, and bass players, and just all kinds of musicians playing all this great stuff, and there is no game in a song!!!!!!  No winner, no looser…..  just beautiful music!!!!  Wouldn’t that be something……  If everyone lived life like a song…. 
Tomorrow night I’m going to be singing some songs…..  I will be singing at Smith’s at 10:00PM in the Atlanta room!!!!!!!!  Put away your game face and come join me!!!!!!!!!  There won’t be any winners or loosers…..  Just a whole lot of LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!(SMILE)

Chow For Now!!!!!!


Currently listening:
American Beauty
By Grateful Dead
Release date: 2003-02-25