Raining Diamonds

Monday, July 28, 2008

Raining Diamonds
Current mood:  determined
Sooooooooo…. I just got back from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan today! It is a very remote place! I love being at one with nature…While there, I went on a 3 hour canoeing trip down this beautiful river…. It was amazing. You wouldn’t have believed the wild lilly pads and lotus growing….. The colors where incredible! About an hour and a half down the river…. It got cold… then dark.. Then KaaaaaaBoooooooom….. It was as if the world was really mad, and was yelling in it’s lowest voice, that I was in big trouble, and it was going to spank me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ever since I was a little girl I had this fear about being struck by lightening! Growing up in Indiana… We had the most amazing lightening storms. You could see the lightening for miles…

As the thunder growled, I looked down at my Canoe. A metal boat, and metal oars… I looked for a place to land the boat, but there was no where. This was an uninhabitable area for humans……… I started wondering if my body would just disintegrate when the lightening hit the boat……If it was going to hurt? ……… I started paddling so so hard…… Then I got out of breath! I thought “This really Sucks” The harder I paddled…. The harder it rained…… I could hardly even see, because it was pouring so hard. At that point I tilted my head down and said a little prayer!

Just as I had given into the moment…. Out of the corner of my eye… this beaver started swimming by me…… We looked each other straight in the eye. That beaver was looking at me like “haha you idiot”.. I swear he was mocking me. Then I thought “animals know by instinct when to get out of the water”… “and he was having a nice time” … I thought things must be okay, he was in know hurry to get out! I focused ahead at the water….. and tried to hear music in the rain …. I did hear the most calming music… but I saw the most magnificent thing happen!!!!!!!

When it is raining hard…. and it get’s dark from the storm…… If you watch the drops hit the water…… They start to sparkle…. Before I knew it… It seemed as if I was drifting down a river of diamonds…… For the rest of my life I will never forget that…. If you get a chance to go to a lake or river when it is raining……. Stare at the water and before you know it…. It will seem as if diamonds are falling from the sky!!!!!

When I got home today……. I thought about how there is always a storm going on around me, with a lot of electricity and loud kaaaaboooms, and how I need to just embrace it….. Sometimes I get so caught up in the storm, that I miss the beavers and diamonds.

The day after the canoe trip, I performed “Let It Go” by myself with just me and my guitar….. in front of over 150 people. Although that may not seem big to you…… That was giant for me, because I always have someone play for me. I have been way to scared to sing and play alone. I am so excited!!!! Then I found out that over 22 countries have visited my website. I have always wanted to travel, and haven’t yet, so it is nice to know that even if I don’t get to some of these places, my music has……. and has hopefully touched the heart of some interesting people! Of course the dreamer in me is sad that I am not opening for one of my hero’s right now….(smile) but I realize that I have lots of diamonds on the river I’m floating down…… Most especially are the wonderful people that have come into my life and are helping me to stand alone with my guitar on a stage. I will be forever thankful for their presents!!!!!!!!!!(smile) They are some of my BIG FAT CANARY DIAMONDS!!!!! The most valuable in my world!

I hope that if you get stuck in the middle of a storm this week…… that the rain turns into diamonds falling from the sky……with a little beaver staring you in the eye…. And that you get a chance to enjoy it… even if you are cold and drenched!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lexers

Currently listening:
Some Mad Hope
By Matt Nathanson
Release date: 2007-08-14