Next Week

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Next Week………….
Current mood:  pensive
Category: Music
With Thanksgiving coming up next week……. I’ve been thinking about what that means!

In April I went to Japan, and China……. Both countries taught me so much!!!!!!!!!!!! Tokyo is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been….. and I met the COOLEST musicians there!!!!!!!! Tokyo is just something you can’t even imagine, until you go!!!!!!! They really do eat A LOT of raw fish….. I like raw fish, but by the third day… I’de see a piece of fish in the window…… and I would get the shakes…. my whole body would shutter…. but by the 5th day…. I was all better!

After we left Japan, we went to China. China was COMPLETELY different from Japan!!!!!! Beautiful in it’s own way……… But it was Chaos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I got home from the trip……. I was just so thankful to be born in this country…… To be an American……. I’ve written a couple of songs about the trip. Someday I will share them with you. They will give you an idea of what I learned…… But until then, I wanted to share some of my photo’s from the trip with you! I just uploaded them this evening!!!!!!! If you go to my pictures you will see an Album titled Japan and China!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoy them!

Thanks for visiting….. And most of all…… Thanks for taking an interest in my music!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Currently listening:
By Eva Cassidy
Release date: 2002-08-20