Is Clapton Going To Save Me

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Is Clapton Going to save me?
Current mood:  blissful
Category: Music
The British and Irish have always played an incredible role in my life!!!! I Love the Brits and Irish…. Scottish as well!!!!!! My mom’s best friend was a Brit….. Boxing day and Bubble and Squeak are the BEST, nothing gets much better than that!!!!!!!….. But in the last few years, numerous times, some amazing British people have saved me!!!!!

I got lost in China….. and it was bad…. I got lost in an area that tourists don’t go…. By the grace of God I found our way to the Lingering Garden….. When we got inside, the only thing that lingered…. was was my imagination and fear. We had no interpreter, nothing….. I had been to the BODIES exhibit in Atlanta…… “Freeze Dried Chinese People”…… I had images…. bad images….. and just when I had given up hope, and thought I might turn into one of the bad images…. I heard this beautiful British voice……. I just jumped up, and hugged the woman. Her tour guide couldn’t believe how lost we had gotten, and said he was going to save us….. We ended up spending the day with the whole lot of British tourists…. They put us on their bus and spoiled us rotten…. The jokes they cracked on that bus will make me smile for the REST of my life…… Then they got a special car to transport us back to our hotel in Shanghi…. At that moment I knew I wanted Brits to be in my life forever!!!!!!!

About Six months ago I found an incredible web site! It’s this musician named Justin who gives free guitar lessons….. For the first time I was able to learn cover tunes…. and so much more all because of……… Another Brit……. Justin is also so much fun to listen to everyday…… He just has this sense of humor that is so funny, and some of the jokes are bad, bad ,bad but make you laugh, laugh, laugh out loud the whole rest of the day!

This week I have had to lay low…… and I got my new Rolling Stone Magazine…. It is AWESOME… my favorite one all year…. One article that just tickled me pink, was the interview with Eric Clapton!!!!! I actually wrote this song that has his name in it….. He is part of the chorus……. So I have been very intriqued about Mr. Clapton ever since!!!!!!! Obviously everyone in the world knows how super he is at playing that guitar…. So the intrique was not about him being a star, but about figuring out how his brain works to make that kind of music…… The article touches on the way he thinks…… so I LOVED it!!!!!!! And He is HUMBLE!!!!!!!! Just a REAL gift!

After I read the Article….. I had this EXPLOSION of ENERGY PASS THROUGH ME…..and I thought……Oh My Gosh….. I think Mr. Clapton might be the next British person to save me!!!!!!! Sometimes I just know things ……and I don’t know why….. and RIGHT at this moment I know that Mr. Clapton is going to be a very big part of the rest of my life….. Maybe it will be from the guitar skills I learn on Justin’s website from the Clapton songs…. Or MAYBE he is going to go on tour with me, and be that dream guitar player I’ve been searching for my whole musical career????????? I don’t know what it will be… but I just can’t stand how excited I am right now!!!!!!!!!

At the end of the article Mr. Clapton sais……. “If you want to learn to play the blues, live beyond your means, “I want to learn to really play the blues, so I am going to live beyond my means……. and send this note into Cyberspace hoping it might find Mr Clapton and introduce him to the Lexers!!!!!!!!! (I call myself the Lexers sometimes).

Mr Clapton said he wants to find a way to write faster……. And I can GUARANTEE that I can help him with that!!!!!!!!!!!! We could spend several months together, touring and I could help him write faster, and he could help me play better….. After reading his article….. I think HE could be the Ying, and I could be the Yang?

I guess only time will tell, but no matter what…… Today I am just thankful to all the Brits that have touched my heart, and so Thankful that Eric Clapton’s music touches my very soul…… Now it’s time for Big Mamma to Rockin Roll!!!!!!! Hope you all find a way to live beyond your means, because in reality, it doesn’t have to cost even a penny!!!! And it feels soooo good!!!!!!! You got to believe in good things!!!!!!!!!!


Currently listening:
Blues Power: Songs of Eric Clapton
By Various Artists
Release date: 1999-06-22