Chickens and Healing Hands

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Chickens and Healing Hands!!!!!!!!
Current mood:  fascinated
Category: Music

“If we study but don’t practice, we won’t get results.  It’s like a man who raises chickens but doesn’t collect the eggs.  All he get’s is the chicken     sh_ t.  To get the best results you must study and practice well” ……. I just LOVE that quote by Ajahn Chah!

I have been practicing my guitar and studying my theory, and looking for some eggs and the other day I got a big fat golden egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone told me that If I went to a chiropracter that I would play the guitar better, so I saved up, and started going in January.  I have been desperate to make these hands work!  After going to see the chiropracter, I noticed a  difference,  but wasn’t sure what exactly had changed….  Then last week when I was practicing, something kept hitting my string.  I looked down and to my disbelief, It was my finger nail.  I have been a life long nail biter , without the ability to break the habit. but after three weeks of getting my back cracked(adjustments)…  My life long habit was broken. 

Then last week I sat down to write a song about my chiropracter experience to give as a thank you to my doc…..  When I finished the song called “Healing Hands”……  and played it back to myself…..  I couldn’t believe it……  The guitar sounded almost like someone  I paid to play……  but it was actually me!!!!!!  A miracle!!!!!!  A REAL miracle!!!!!

I just want everyone to be touched by some HEALING HANDS.  It is just an amazing thing to experience.  I mean just something else!!

This is my year of firsts….  so I will continue to write about one each month!!!!!  I’m REALLY, REALLY hoping I will write my first tour diary sometime this year……  I am wishing so so much for a miracle to go on tour with someone super duper as the opener!!!!!!! 

Make sure to write to me about your firsts!!!!!!  If you read my last blog….  I’m having a contest!!!!!!  We all got to be in this together!!!!!!  At the end of the year I am going to write a song about someones wildest first!!!!!!!  This week I most of all hope you find a big fat golden egg yourself,  instead of a bunch of stinky waste!!!!!!!!  We all need to work hard and enjoy the beautiful things the chickens in our life will provide us, if we nurture and pay attention to what those chickens can produce!!!!!!!

Cockadoodle dooo Uh Uh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lex (smile)

Currently listening:
Gossip In The Grain
By Ray LaMontagne
Release date: 2008-10-14