To Another Mother


Album: Never Give Up
Music & Lyrics: Alexis Vear
Secret: When The Shock and Awe event happened during the Gulf war… I was defiantly in shock. I was glued to CNN. One evening they showed a refugee camp. They thought hundreds to thousands of people would show up. Instead, one woman, and her 4 small children showed up. They videoed her in this little tent, with her children gathered around a fire making tea. I was so sad. I thought… I am no different than her. I just want to protect my children as she does. I wrote her this song. Part of it is what I say to her, and part of it is what I imagine her saying to me. I keep that woman in my prayers still today. I just can’t imagine what her life has been like, and if she and her children are even alive.


Keep us safe
Please, keep us warm
Protect us from all this
Evil and harm

Hold us tight
Rid us of our fright
Don’t forget us when you go to sleep tonight

When I close my eyes
I feel a great love
But when I open them up
I cannot find a white dove

I hold you tight
That is all I know to do
And I hope you’ll hear me
Calling out to you

Keep us safe
Please Keep us warm
Protect us from all this evil and harm
Hold us tight
Rid us of our fright
Don’t forget us when you go to sleep tonight

Why can’t we live with one another
Without being cruel
Why does humanity become such arrogant fools
You and I both want the same things in life
For our children to live a life not out of spite

Keep us safe
Please Keep us warm
Protect us from all this evil and harm
Hold us tight
Rid us of our fright
Don’t forget us when you go to sleep tonight

I shutter from what could come to be
And wonder if there is something that I just do not see
I see you in a distance so far away
But in our hearts we’re exactly in the same place
