Love Will Follow You


Album: Let It Go
Music & Lyrics: Alexis Vear
Secret: “This song was written for a friend who was betrayed in an unimaginable way. When she was going through this period of heartbreak, I wrote this song for her. She is a beautiful woman inside and out. This song is for anyone who has ever felt hurt and alone! By the way, Love has engulphed my friend several times!!!!!! (Smile) She is having a lot of fun!”


Standing on your own
You are not alone
Cause you got your circle
And you’ve got your dreams

You can travel far
But you’ll always come back
To that place
Where you know who you are
Because your circle never lets you stray to far


Love will follow you
If you want it to
Just believe in your dreams
If your heart is torn in two
You will not stay blue
Just make a wish and let your light
Surround you

Don’t live in the past
A future that is bliss
Just live in the moment
And focus on your wish
Accept the love
Your circle and your dreams
You light up the world
That’s what being alive means

