What’s Your Calling


Album: Let It Go
Music & Lyrics: Alexis Vear
Secret: “I’ve had terrible stage fright my entire life. I started writing songs under my bed at the age of 3. I never shared them with anyone. I knew my music was a gift given to me, and I treasured it with all I had. I did not want to let anyone put tarnish on it. People with major gifts surrounded me. I believed music to be my only gift, and I wanted to keep mine a secret, so it would never be ruined. When I was 33, I had a dinner party, and after several glasses of wine, I got up the courage to share a song I had written. Within two weeks I was persuaded to record it in a recording studio. That led to national airplay on NPR. I had always felt called to share my music but was so paralyzed with fear. I’ve watched people go from being young and beautiful…. To lost and afraid, because they feel so empty inside. People start to look for love everywhere but in themselves. This song is about being true to your real calling……. Not the one that is easy…..and feels good…. But to the one that you have to break through your barriers of fear, to make it happen. There is a saying I love…….” Your gifts from god are your talents, your gift to god are what you do with your talents” I hope that I can use my gift to make the world a little better than when I got here!!!!!!!!”


You drive around in your SUV
wearing designer clothes
your family picture looks so perfect
The truth you think nobody knows

Once in love now she’s his property right
She resents the king of her land
He forgot to treat his wife as a queen
Now she dreams of an escape plan


Are you going to sell your soul to the devil
What does it mean to be set free
Are you going to sell your soul to the devil
To live your life so precariously

She’s his world but she wanted so much more
He gave her all he could give
She got a little bored and went to the store
And now she’s found a new reason to live


What is it you feel called to do
Did you forget along the way
Where you seduced by the power and the money
That you’d sell your soul if someone would pay

