The Toad


Album: Never Give Up
Music: Alexis Vear and S. Hensley
Lyrics: Alexis Vear
Secret: To be honest, I’m not very fond of this song. You can become the toad by calling someone the toad.


You can Judge a book by its cover, you can fill the pages inside
But one thing that I know, is that the majority of people lie
I aint no rocket scientist, I aint no frickin queen
And I’m not into climbing the ladder, being part of that social scene
I may be misunderstood by a bunch, I may seem like I talk too much
But I’m just an ordinary girl, who cares about the wait of the world


Exploit me, I really don’t care
The truth is what I know, though your not aware
You can build me up and then rip me down
You can spit on me when I’m laying on the ground

I may not be able to spell, and I may never be the best
But I know where people are coming from, and that’s a gift I guess
You can use my ideas to lift yourself up, where you want to go
You can use all my weakness’, to produce your great grand show
Honey I know the truth to your story, Go on make yourself feel good
My heart will remain feeling, as I know it should


I’m a lily pad relaxing on the sea, staring up at the beautiful land
And you’re the toad that is jumping around,
Who is gonna  land in quick sand

